Like root, i did this
#yum -y update
the output of yum not was funny for me. Many dependencies that i not could solve, i don't had time to resolve this issue. In fact, with Fedora 12, yes 12, i had many issues with cheese (webcam program), there not had 3d video aceleration, xboard crash, mono is not update, monodevelop is not update too, the sound was better than older releases, anyway. Shutdown and reboot whithout problems, hibernation and suspend no troubles. But updates was my decision to make a change to Gentoo system. When you install Fedora 12 x86_64, i had many updates to do, i take a long time to do this :-(. yum use rpmdelta to resolve the time to install any package on the system. Like a user normal this not could be :-|. Ok, Fedora is not for all users. Then i try OpenSuSE 11.2, ohh Qt is installed on my system, Yast, i don't like Yast, mono was there, monodevelop was there updated to the lastest version. But when i installed git, i do not wanted many dependencies, just git. Other issue for me to make a change to Gentoo.
Over Gentoo systems, i can install every package to custom way. This is my way. I need this. A custom kernel, my own tools, my needed packages, my xfce, my own flags to compile all the system. Yes, Gentoo is Back again n_n.
No more zyper, no more yum and issues, just "emerge --sync" and "emerge --update --deep --newuse world", yes this will take a time maybe long time :-D
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